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SWHECCO Prospect


Woodford and Hunton Prospect - Central Oklahoma

The Woodford shale has become a major development target as a resource play in the Mid Continent region.  The SWHECCO Prospect is an extension into Cleveland County, Oklahoma of the current Woodford-Hunton play in McClain County, Oklahoma  spearheaded by BP America.  

- 25 Sections / 16,000 acre prospect area

- Directly offsetting, abutting and up dip to BP America Production Company’s (BP) Woodford/Hunton Prospect recently acquired from Charter Oak Production Co., LLC covering 140 sections in McClain and Cleveland Counties, Oklahoma

- Proprietary geochemical data shows that the prospect area is located in the Woodford oil generating window

- 4,000+ Acres under lease provides “effective control of the area”

- Third-party engineering reserve analysis estimates 40 BBLS of Oil and 98 MMCF of Gas per foot of lateral. Estimated total reserves for a 10,000’ Lateral between 500,000 – 1,000,000 BOE per well.

- Approximate depth of Woodford - 6500 feet

- BP America is aggressively developing the acreage acquired from Charter Oak.  Currently, BP has eleven (11) two-mile laterals producing; one (1) two-mile lateral in the completion phase; five (5) two-mile laterals & one (1) one-mile lateral are awaiting completion; two (2) wells are permitted/drilling; and one (1) two-mile lateral has been proposed.

- Key well - The BP Parker 7N 2W 33 1HX well is located in Section 33-7N-2W and Section 4-6N-2W, McClain County, Oklahoma and has produced 134,569 BBLS of Oil in 10 1/3 months and 72,489 MCF of Gas & 775,169 Gallons of Plant Liquids in 9 1/3 months.

- Three of the prospect generators each have over 30 years of experience in various phases of the oil and gas industry.  These three generators made significant instrumental geological, land and legal contributions toward Charter Oaks success in the area acquired by BP America.  The fourth generator has 10 years of geological experience which was concentrated in the area acquired by BP America.

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